Elizabeth Zhou


Product designer based in San Francisco.

Currently designing autonomous tools at Applied Intuition

Passionate about music, the great outdoors, and hosting events.


🎨 Values Posters / Applied Intuition
Graphic / Visual Design, Print

Designed and printed 9 posters reflecting the company’s values.
This project’s goal was to simply create posters featuring the company values to be displayed in the office. The posters should be visually interesting and engaging, as well as reflect Applied’s brand aesthetic.

Initially the scope was to display either all 9 values onto one poster or create a set of 3 posters (each featuring 3 values) but I quickly realized that it was difficult to apply a visually distinctive style that also highlighted each value individually.

Therefore, I re-scoped the project to make each value have its own poster, and meeting the (new) following requirements:

  • Posters shown as a set (e.g. values 1, 2 and 3) should not feel repetitive
  • Each value should look and feel unique
  • Visual style should be interesting and engaging
  • Posters should reflect Applied’s brand aesthetic (clean, bold, minimal)

After several rounds of iteration, I came to a style that I felt best highlighted Applied’s clean and bold aesthetic – the “–” that appears in each poster was a nice way to tie everything together cohesively, while still allowing each value to be uniquely expressed. As a set, each value is given equal emphasis without feeling repetitive, which makes it perfect for displaying as a collection in the office.

View the gallery above to see the iterative process and how the visual style evolved into its final form!